Edius Project File Ezp Free Download

  1. Edius Project File Ezp Free Download

Most people looking for Edius wedding project free downloaded: T-Safe Project File. Edius 6 project file free download. Edius project file ezp download. Phir kisi ka intezar mp3 download.

Once Edius files are encrypted, they can be opened only when an authorised T-Safe Dongle is attached.Even if someone copies the files, they will remain encrypted, hence of no use. Save as, email etc., is protected. Once the launcher is opened, i.e., encryptor is on, every Edius file you open, even if it is normal starts getting encrypted. Available for Windows XP, Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 8 Certification: Firstly go through the brief article here which describes types of protections that can be achieved with T-Safe Dongle, creating User and Master Dongles, Updating Expiry Date. T-Safe Software Protection Tool for Edius Files: There are four steps in T-Safe achieving Edius Files Protection:. Create dongle. Create custom library.

Encrypt files. Bank dan lembaga keuangan lainnya kasmir pdf. Create installer Create Dongle.


We can create two types of dongles Master Dongle and User Dongle. Dongles store encryption keys only. Go through the article to create Master and User Dongle. Create Custom Library. keep the protection type same.

Select Edius in Select Program. Protected Extensions for Edius are ezp, ezb, AAF, x3d, bfx, red, EDL. You can add an extra extension in Add More Extensions, separating them by the comma. Click on Make T-Safe DLL, select an empty folder. Now Click on Encrypt Files, then click on Start T-Safe File Encryptor. Select the DLL file in the x86 folder for encryption. Select the Source folder(folder containing Edius files to be encrypted) and destination folder, click on Start Encryption, wait till the files are encrypted, close the window.

Create Installer. Click on Create Installer. Select Edius from Select Program, Enter the details, select Installer Type depending on the software configuration of the End User. Select the DLL file in x86 or x64 folder depending on the software configuration at the End User. Enter the Data column name as Destination folder, the folder containing the encrypted data, Encrypted data can be given separately to the End User, without including in the installer, if the size of encrypted data is large.


Edius Project File Ezp Free Download

Now click on Create Installer, wait until the installer is created. Give the Output Folder to the end user, ask them to install the setup File in the Output folder. Creating User Dongles:. Go through the article for creating User Dongles. Updating Expiry Date:. Go through the article for Updating Expiry Date of User Dongles.

Installation and Working at End User. The user should choose the same folder in which Edius is already Installed.

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