Glasspwn-1.1B: Aero Glass For 8.1 And Watermark Remover

Download the file under section 'Aero Glass for Win8.1. Aero Glass and transparency for. This glasspwn. In the previous version of Win 8.1. Explorer side bar text colour changes after booting from hibernation.

Experience the native look of Aero Glass interface on Windows 8.x This utility returns the complete glass effect into windows frames. Apply glass look to windows borders. Blur the content behind the borders to improve UI experience.

Change amount of transparency in Control panels directly. Change inactive windows borders color. Skin windows borders (add glow, shadows etc.) without changing Windows theme. Fully native including MSStyle themes and DWM API compatibility. Low resources usage Glass look. Your windows will be rendered with transparent borders.

This look allows you to see what is behind the border. The key element is the blurring of content behind the glass borders to prevent it from being too clear and disturbing. The result is very smart window border!

Fully native. The utility is completely integrated into Desktop Window Manager without breaking any system protection or modifying system files. All rendering is done via native Direct3D device. Any colorization settings adjusted in Windows Control Panels are respected. Use color intensity slider to adjust the amount of the transparency.

No custom skinning engine used. Due to the native nature of this utility your Windows theme is composited together with the glass effect. All features controlled through DWM API (e.g. DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow or DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea) are supported including the taskbar or custom Start menu blur effect. Low resources usage. This library tries to utilize all DWM resources as much as possible to minimize RAM and VRAM usage. No redundant objects are created, no background service is running.

The result is light-weight library which behaves exactly in the same way as Aero Glass in Windows 7 did. No performance degradation! Theme your windows. You can change the look of your windows borders completely without touching your Windows theme or using unsigned theme.

This allows you to bring back several effects such as window shadow, caption glow effect, rounded borders or simply change the appearance of caption buttons. You just modify single bitmap in your favorite image editor and everything will look as you want! By the Author- It can be used on unlimited number of computers and for unlimited time. It also provides glass effect with all of its features specified on this website. However, it displays small copyright notification several minutes after its execution and small subtle copyright watermark is displayed in the right bottom corner of your desktop.

The software is free for your personal usage. However, it politely asks you to donate arbitrary amount of money to support the development as I spent really a lot of time on this.

This is not mandatory, you can still use the software unlimitedly but you are not allowed to bypass the donation request by any available mean. The free version does not support automatic downloading of DWM symbols from MS server. This is done as a bonus to the donators when any future Windows update breaks something, they can continue using glass effect without waiting for fixed version. However, everyone can still download the public symbols manually (or get them from a friend etc.) and put them to symbols. Utility will then load them when required. Just, please don't share the symbols here as they are copyrighted by Microsoft Corporation. INFORMATION: After donation, you won't receive any license code automatically.

You must generate it manually on Please, remember that this software is done in my free time and it is not done for any profit - the donation totally depends on you and you won't get the full service as in the case of regular paid software. You donate to support the development and not to buy the full version of the software! Changelog(for v1.2.5 for win 8.1). hardcoded symbol patterns for Win8.1 Spring2014 update. some minor fixes. added setup option to adjust access permissions for those who don't know how to set them on their own. @ IDAProFTW just does not work for me, only reduces the intensity of the color, but gives no transparency or glass efect:( Dunno, try deleting any existing registry entries for it and any existing installs.

That can make it not function correctly (even uncracked). And make sure to delete GlassPwn. If you installed GlassPwn before, I recommend doing a full uninstall of aero glass, deleting c: AeroGlass completely, reboot if you cant delete it after uninstall, then reinstall this. Also make sure you are using the right version.

1.3 is for Windows 8 only - not 8.1, and 1.2.5 is for 8.1 only - not 8. Use this tool from the author's website - freeware to configure options.

MSFN.Big muscle.Is a whiny B-tch, and it's about time he got his. Charging for what was to be freeware!Props to ' PainteR' good work! ' Money for features removed from Windows which are revived by 3rd party person are dirty money ' Well Put.:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P Yes and what is worse was that you cannot even BUY it.

He makes very clear on his 'donation' page that donations do not necessarily get you a key to unlock it. So let's say someone 'donates' $50 Depending on BM's mood, he might decide 'Eh, not worthy enough for even 1 activation' It is such a ridiculous limbo God complex power play. I think he gets off on it. This limbo ambiguity crap 'its nagware until you donate but donating does not buy a license, it MIGHT or MIGHT NOT gift you a key if I feel you are a worthy subject, mortal' instead of just charging $19.95 for a 1 year license up front and not trying to call it some 'donation' crap. And to speak on bigmuscle's bastardization of the word 'donate' If you require payment for goods and services, that isn't asking for 'donations' it's asking for payment.

He actually intended to make it open source supposedly back when it was still in alpha, but because of a few people complaining on the MSFN forum he decided to punish all users en masse and decided that it won't be possible to outright buy a key - and so he came up with this power trip 'guess the magic number, send it to me via paypal, and you win 1 activation if you guessed correctly, if not you get nothing.' Then he arrogantly openly laughed at GlassPwn claiming that it will render systems unbootable because of the race condition hooking it does and I admit, this isnt ideal, but nowhere towards rendering a system unbootable. He intimated at new versions of Aero Glass deleting 'random data' off a GlassPwn user's hard-drive, and hoped with glee that GlassPwn wrecks users' systems saying he 'is glad' that people were using it, saying it would crash their Windows install.

Well, let's see what he has to laugh about now when he gets back from his vacation and sees PainteR's work lol. I've also seen him disrespect people who donated over 100 euros on the MSFN forum, and make them wait weeks for him to fix up his website which is required to generate a new donation key if someone changes their boot hard drive or installs a driver that changes their machine ID. See, he doesn't want to declare it shareware because then if people buy a license he is obligated to provide tech support at least regarding activations. Definitely the most deserved to be cracked to hell and back author I have ever seen.

Glasspwn-1.1B: Aero Glass For 8.1 And Watermark Remover

Edited July 19, 2014 by IDAProFTW. Works great using it on my vm ware I recomend not using uxstyle to enable custom unsigned windows' themes as it causes a boot up delay of 6-10mins with aero glass. Here is by far i think the best way to implement 'Aero' in windows a reg key that will add an Right click 'enable' 'disable' for Areo glass. I think it is better because, you don't need to worry about start-up issues.and you can now right click on-off areo glass.simple! Some time's i dont want it running.i like to have options. Keep in mind you might need to edit the location of glass exe in the reg key to your install location! Not my work.just sharing.

Here is by far i think the best way to implement 'Aero' in windows a reg key that will add an Right click 'enable' 'disable' for Areo glass. I think it is better because, you don't need to worry about start-up issues.and you can now right click on-off areo glass.simple! Some time's i dont want it running.i like to have options. Keep in mind you might need to edit the location of glass exe in the reg key to your install location! Not my work.just sharing. And to speak on bigmuscle's bastardization of the word 'donate' If you require payment for goods and services, that isn't asking for 'donations' it's asking for payment. Don't you think that you are shitting into your mouth?

Aero Glass For 8.1

In the first paragraph, you say that donations do not necessarily get you a key and now that I require payment for goods. Isn't it weird to state something and then state the opposite? It simply means that 'donation' is the correct word, but you cannot accept it so you just bash around:P.

Well, let's see what he has to laugh about now when he gets back from his vacation and sees PainteR's work lol. What I am laughing about is that it took over a year to develop this kind of crack. It probably means that my protection was very good. Since I still have some other things in my sleeve, I will be laughing when you need to wait another year for crack for the new version. Yes, it will be cracked again but then new version will be released again and you need to wait another year and so on B). I've also seen him disrespect people who donated over 100 euros on the MSFN forum, and make them wait weeks for him to fix up his website which is required to generate a new donation key if someone changes their boot hard drive or installs a driver that changes their machine ID.

Huh, there was someone who donated over 100 euros:wtf: just provide me a link to him. No, I know that you are just kidding and lying, the highest donation was 60€ and this user required 3 keys only. There are also many users whom I gave a key for free:P. See, he doesn't want to declare it shareware because then if people buy a license he is obligated to provide tech support at least regarding activations. Waves plugins adobe audition 1.5. Definitely the most deserved to be cracked to hell and back author I have ever seen. Sure, I don't want to provide support and that's why I'm trying to solve anyone's problem as soon as possible and I cannot resolve it or he just changes his HDD, I give him a new key for free without any problem. And if I deserve cracking.

But why the hell, it took more than year to develop this kind of crack and it is still one-time patch only which needs to be re-developed everytime new version of Aero Glass is released? Sure, when new incompatible Windows update is released, you will be the first one who starts crying that he needs a new crack.:lol.

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