Rappelz In Game Gm Commands

Hi all.

Old school free-to-play Fantasy MMORPG. Fight a boss, tame a. You will now learn the basics of the game which will allow you to start your. Rappelz is, unlike. README.md GM-Tool. Xijezu's Rappelz GM-Tool is the most used GM-Tool for Rappelz private servers. His GM-Tool was the first client sided GM-Tool for Rappelz.

So this is the Repack from Server Tabby !

Dodger Game Gm 4

It includes:
* Serverfiles 7.3 with fully working Quests ( credits to Arcadia, Pyrtiju and DeadP )
* Database ( Credits to Joker )
* Fully working client 7.3 ( Credits to Server Shiva )
* Data Unpacker and Packer ( Credits to who ever made it )
* Launcher creator ( Credits to Arcadia )
* Admin Tool ( Credits to who ever made it )
Download: Guide ( Credits to who ever made it ): !!! Important !!!
You need to change the user to sa instead of as in authserver.opt and gameserver.opt ! All other stuff is in that guide.
Looks like its time for a section
GM Commands ( use in gameserver commandline ! ):
#add_state( ID , VALUE, TIME, 'NAME')
Adds buffs
IDs: Rappelz In Game Gm Commands
#add_state(1001, 100, 9000000, 'ur char') //MAX HP
#add_state(1002, 30, 9000000, 'ur char') //MAX MP
#add_state(1003, 600, 9000000, 'ur char') //HP Reg.
#add_state(1004, 600, 9000000, 'ur char') //HP Rec.
#add_state(1005, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //MP Reg.
#add_state(1006, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //MP Rec.
#add_state(1007, 150, 9000000, 'ur char') //P. Atk.
#add_state(1008, 150, 9000000, 'ur char') //M. Atk
#add_state(1009, 250, 9000000, 'ur char') //P. Def
#add_state(1010, 450, 9000000, 'ur char') //M. Def
#add_state(1011, 90, 9000000, 'ur char') //Atk Spd
#add_state(1012, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Cast Spd
#add_state(1013, 150, 9000000, 'ur char') //Mov Spd
#add_state(1014, 100, 9000000, 'ur char') //Accuracy
#add_state(1015, 150, 9000000, 'ur char') //Evasion
#add_state(1016, 250, 9000000, 'ur char') //M. Acc
#add_state(1017, 150, 9000000, 'ur char') //M. Res
#add_state(1018, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Crit Ratio
#add_state(1019, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Crit Power
#add_state(1507, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Luck
#add_state(2601, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Threat Increase
#add_state(4016, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //MP Regen
#add_state(4042, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Kentaurus POT
#add_state(4065, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //HP Recovery
#add_state(4088, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //30 MP regen
#add_state(4518, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Agility Increase
#add_state(4541, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Skeleton Desguise
#add_state(5013, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Decrease M. Res
#add_state(6513, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Harmony of Life
#add_state(7017, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Ornito for Ridding
#add_state(9911, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Pieces of Vitality
#add_state(4003, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Stamina Saver
#add_state(2605, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Immun to FEAR
#add_state(6016, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Hide
#add_state(164407, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Aura of Halisha
#add_state(13442, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Increase CriRatio/Threat
#add_state(14402, 100, 9000000, 'ur char') //Mental Support Buff
#add_state(145609, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Unity of Siren
#add_state(145733, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Encouragement - Int
#add_state(145740, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Encouragement - Dex
#add_state(145741, 100, 9000000, 'ur char') //Fortune Clover
#add_state(145742, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Encouragement - Agility
#add_state(145720, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Gigantic
#add_state(145521, 100, 9000000, 'ur char') //Ifrit Lv150 Buff skill
#add_state(146001, 500, 9000000, 'ur char') //HP recovery
#add_state(146007, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Vampiric Rage
#add_state(164805, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Might of Underworld
#add_state(12022, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Decreases Mdef
#add_state(13035, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Unable attack
#add_state(145210, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Flame Blow - Strong Debuff
#add_state(145409, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Painfull Auria - Strong Debuff
#add_state(145501, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Decreases Mov Speed
#add_state(145502, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //decreases Accuracy
#add_state(145504, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //decreases Patk / Pdef
#add_state(145507, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Strong Debuff
#add_state(145509, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Strong Debuff
#add_state(145510, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Debuff
#add_state(145511, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Debuff
#add_state(145512, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Debuff
#add_state(145513, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Debuff
#add_state(145514, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Debuff
#add_state(145515, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Debuff
#add_state(145516, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Debuff
#add_state(145517, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Debuff Accuracy
#add_state(145518, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Debuff Accuracy
#add_state(145519, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Debuff Mov. Spd
#add_state(146002, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Decreases Damage %
#add_state(201001, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Instant Kill, unable to revive
#add_state(201032, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Sleep
#add_state(201033, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Stun
#add_state(201035, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Fear
#add_state(201025, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Wrath

Rappelz In Game Gm Commandslearns all skills and warps you to level 300. DOES NOT DO JOB QUESTS !!!
#learn_creature_all_skill('pet_name', 'char_name')
Rappelz In Game Gm Commandssame just for pets

Rappelz 2

To get GM permissions edit the permission field in Telecaster Database character table from 0 to 1, and for gold, just edit the gold field.
To create an account, you can use this query ( Password must be MD5 with 2011 salt:

Video Game Gm

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